Omar Shakir

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[Opinion] Human Rights Watch Ignores Critical Aspects of Gaza Riots

Becca Wertman discusses how Human Rights Watch (HRW) releases a report ignoring criticial aspects of the Gaza riots, including the threat that Hamas and other terrorist factions pose to both Palestinian and Israeli civilians and does not mention the recruitment and use of children as soldiers.


After Work Visa Cancelled, HRW Falsely Denies BDS and Demonization Promotion

The Israeli Ministry of Interior has revoked the work visa granted in April 2017 to Human Rights Watch (HRW) employee Omar Shakir, a long-time anti-Israel, pro-BDS activist. In its response, HRW (and its local lawyer, Michael Sfard) makes the false claim that “neither HRW – nor Shakir as its representative – advocate for boycott, divestment or sanctions against companies that operate in the settlements, Israel or Israelis (sic).”


UN CEIRPP “50 Years of Occupation” Event: BDS, Antisemitism, and Demonization

On June 29-30, 2017, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) held a forum to “mark fifty years of Israeli occupation.” As anticipated, the event “Ending the Occupation: Creating the Space for Human Rights, Development and a Just Peace,” featured antisemitic rhetoric, calls for BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions), and demonization campaigns against Israel’s existence.


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